woensdag 1 oktober 2014

Leafs enjoy team building up north with paintball battle - Toronto Star

I like to collect relevant information. Here is another article I found. Check it out:

Toronto StarLeafs enjoy team building up north with paintball battleToronto StarCOLLINGWOOD, ONT.—Team building comes with a lot of good laughs — and some sweat and grit too. The Leafs discovered their three-day getaway to Collingwood, Ont. — while loaded with golf and paintball outings — required some time at a local cross ...No structural damage to injured knee of Leafs' FransonTSNFiguring Out The Leafs ForwardsHockeybuzz.com (blog)Maple Leafs hopeful Kozun turning headsToronto Sunall 443 news articles »...Leafs enjoy team building up north with paintball battle - Toronto Star

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